Resident sees ‘real conflict’ on Charter Study Commission
Believes council candidates should step down from CSC
Editor, the Asbury Park Sun:
I have read the discussion concerning the potential conflict of Duanne Small and Randy Thompson being on the Charter Study Commission while running for a council seat in Asbury Park.
The issue surprised me since, from my prospective, the conflict is not just real but had to be clear before the decision to run for council was made. How could a person run for a seat on a panel to recommend a form of government then turn around and run for a seat on the existing council form of government?
The Charter Study Commission was elected in November 2012 and has held meetings, entered into research and discussions on forms of government. It is assumed the members have expressed views and positions on types of government. While this process is moving forward, to seek office in the present system stands out as a complete conflict in the integrity of the system, in my opinion.
I feel that Mr. Small and Mr. Thompson have placed the citizens of Asbury Park in a situation that no matter which group they remove themselves from — the council race or the Charter Study Commission — there will always be a taint on any decision they make as a member of either body.
We all hope our elected officials make decisions for the citizens without any agenda or self-interest. If there is any other appearance, correct or not, the people will question the motive.
It is my opinion that the only way to ensure the integrity of the process is for Mr. Small and Mr. Thompson to step down from the Charter Study Commission and withdraw from seeking office at the present time.
– Bob Obler, Asbury Park
[NOTE: Obler considered running for a spot on the Charter Study Commission but never submitted his petition. He felt he did not have enough time to dedicate to the commission, he said.
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