Johnson: Forward Asbury Park puts forth vision for future
'Because of their record of responsibility, honesty and success are already established'
Editor, the Asbury Park Sun:
The Forward Asbury Park team presents a clear vision for our future based on an established record of experience and success. During the past 12 years their work has made Asbury Park the comeback city – not just at the Jersey Shore, but of the entire region! They will continue that work adhering to the principles of honesty, community involvement, and a plan that includes the entire city.
The rebuilding of our community will continue with new projects underway on Springwood Avenue, the Central Business District and in the Waterfront Area. As one city united in its desire to continue moving forward, I know that we will all share in the benefits and the responsibilities of the work that Forward Asbury Park has planned for our community.
Their plan to grow the local economy by attracting new businesses, investors and sponsoring workforce training programs for residents will continue as a priority. What I find most exciting is that Forward Asbury Park’s primary goal is more than just to secure jobs for youth; it is to prepare our youth to become future business owners and entrepreneurs in our own community.
I have no doubt that they will continue the work of strengthening our united response to defeat the poison of gangs, guns and drugs in our community. Forward Asbury Park’s plan is to continue to engage the entire community in a coordinated effort to place more police on the streets, bolster neighborhood watch and the COPS program, to expand the recreation programs they created and to continue the work of the Asbury Park Community Development Initiative in close coordination with the County Prosecutor and State Attorney General.
The vision for the future that Forward Asbury Park puts forth is a sure one. With a strong working relationship with county, state and federal officials, Forward Asbury Park is perfectly positioned to continue to access the financial and technical resources that will be necessary to implement their vision of continued and successful growth for Asbury Park. I can assure you that there will be no questions concerning the thoroughness of their plan, their capabilities or their credibility at any level of government. Because their record of responsibility, honesty and success are already established!
— Mayor Ed Johnson, Asbury Park
[This letter represents the opinion of its writer and is not representative of any opinion of the Asbury Park Sun staff. All readers are welcome to submit Letters to the Editor to for our consideration. For guidelines on letter-writing and submission, click here.]
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