The Sun’s City Council Preview: June 20, 2012
Agenda includes location of smoke-free beaches and facade improvement grants. Land acquisition for a downtown parking deck in closed session.
The Asbury Park city council is meeting Wednesday night at City Hall, with a workshop session at 6 p.m. and a regular meeting at 7 p.m. Items on the workshop agenda include:
• A discussion on the location of smoke-free beach areas. At the last meeting, the governing body adopted an ordinance allowing them to designate smoke-free areas of town by resolution. For that story, click here.
• A façade improvement grant using funds from the now-defunct Urban Enterprise Zone program. The state program provided cities like Asbury with lowered sales tax rates and additional funding to make improvements to the town. Although Governor Chris Christie ended the UEZ program, the city still has access to the funds it earned during that time.
• Discussion of a memorial boardwalk bench program from special events coordinator Tom Gilmour.
• Approval of several special events applications and any matters introduced by the city council, city attorney or city manager.
The regular meeting’s agenda includes:
• Various special events applications, including an extension of Johnnie Mac’s bar into the parking lot for nine days in July.
• A temporary budget amendment.
The closed executive session, taking place at 5 p.m., includes:
• Contract negotiation with the Asbury Park Board of Education foot patrol agreement for additional police officers when school lets out.
• Discussion on land acquisition of a parking deck on Bangs Avenue. For previous coverage of that issue, click here.