Volunteers sought to protect the vulnerable from dangerous cold
Code Blue Team at Trinity Episcopal Church last year housed and fed people for over 32 nights
A team based at Trinity Episcopal Church that helps those in need of overnight shelter in the cold is making a call for volunteers as winter weather is upon us.
Derek Minno Bloom, Social and Food Justice Director at Trinity, issued the following statement:
The Code Blue Team from Trinity Church is reaching out for community support again. We hope that you are interested in and able to support us this year! We are low on volunteers and if we are to remain open to keep our community members warm we need more volunteers to sign up from 10 pm to 2 am and 2 am to 7 am. If you are hesitant to come alone, come with a friend and make it a fun adventure in the experiment of humanism.
What is Code Blue? What does support look like?
Trinity opens up our doors for our community members who do not have a permanent home for Code Blue when it is 25 degrees or under or 32 degrees and under and precipitating. How can you volunteer? You can bring food and coffee or you can come in person to volunteer and make our guests feel welcome from 6 pm to 10 pm, 10 pm to 2 am, and 2 am to 7 am.
Last year we housed and fed people for over 32 nights and had over 80 volunteers come together to serve our neighbors and help keep them warm and safe.
To volunteer please click here! If someone has signed up for an all-night shift all below shifts are covered for that night and we ask that you do not sign up for that night.
If the link does not work for you please email us and we will send you an invite to the google doc sign up spreadsheet, or we can go old school and sign you up ourselves. Unfortunately, you can not sign up for dates because we don’t know when a code blue night will happen, so pick a day and we will give you 24 to 48 hours notice when your day comes up. You can cancel if an emergency comes up, just try and give us as much notice as possible.
Contact us at jill@trinitynj.com or derek@trinitynj.com with any questions you may have.
Trinity Episcopal Church is located at 503 Asbury Avenue in Asbury Park.
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