Mackolin: Council’s rent ordinance is neither “strong” nor “fair”
Criticizes Bruno letter to editor; urges yes vote on referendum
To The Editor, Asbury Park Sun:
Mr. Bruno is obviously a distinguished resident and veteran City official who is entitled to his opinion on the issue of “Rent Control” in Asbury Park.
However, he is mistaken on many facts pertaining to the competing Ordinances. And therefore his opinions are questionable.
I have found no empirical evidence in my research of the issue in support of his statement that rent control raises local taxes, let alone causes them to “skyrocket”. Less we forget, renters pay taxes. See Council’s Ordinance.
Along with Mr. Bruno I too, commend the City Council for taking action but their legislation is far from his description of “strong and fair”.
How “strong and fair” is it: to allow rent increases in ordinary renewals to be governed by the Higher of two applicable indexes rather than the Lower of the two as in Coalitions Ordinance; to not cap rent increases , as provided in Council’s Ordinance; and, to exclude, without explanation, large numbers of resident renters from the protection of a rent Control Ordinance as compared to Coalition’s Ordinance.
Neither is it “strong and fair” to prepare and approve an Ordinance that buries its primary need for the Ordinance, that of providing rent expense relief, among other added expressed purposes. Purposes that include providing “less cumbersome implementation” which promises to introduce
delay in resolving disputes likely to arise in the application of a policy new to tenants and landlords.
Council adds a purpose that provides more “flexibility” for home owners which is redundant given the readily apparent financial flexibility of a homeowner compared to a tenant. Council adds the purpose of balancing landlord needs and interests /against those of the tenant. Given the vast difference in power and influence held by landlords this purpose is fanciful at best.
In summary, Council’s Ordinance is neither “strong” nor “fair”. Please examine the actual Ordinance documents. I know for many that is a somewhat mind numbing task. Skim the Documents if necessary. Look carefully at the more critical sections. Purpose(Whereas), Who is covered, Rent Increases, Exceptions to Rent Increase, Board Membership and Board Voting.
If you believe providing relief to renters is not a priority need VOTE NO on April 20.
If you believe providing renter relief is a priority need Vote YES on April 20.
William D. Mackolin
Asbury Park