A Call for Amazon Go on Cookman in Asbury Park
Skobo: abundance of restaurants, shops and cafes; no grocery store
Editor, Asbury Park Sun,
While walking on Cookman Ave. last Sunday, I noticed the abundance of restaurants, shops and cafes. Lots of competition there, I hope they succeed.
What I didn’t see was a store offering necessities like groceries. As far as I know, the nearest full service store is on Memorial Parkway. So if you live in downtown AP, you have to get in the car and drive west, maybe even to Route 35.
I would hate to see a 7-11 or other hideous store on Cookman, but something is needed. Then, today, a story appeared in the paper [yes, I read newspapers] about Amazon GO. That store is now in the testing phase, and Asbury Park would be a natural fit. Might even work in Pier Village which also lacks such a store.
James Skobo
Shore Drive
Long Branch
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