Affordable Housing Coalition to hold rent control virtual community meeting
Simmons: “It’s time we put a mechanism in place that prevents the current community from being pushed out"
The Asbury Park Affordable Housing Coalition [APAHC] — which organized the successful effort to put their proposed rent control ordinance on the ballot for a public vote early next year — is holding a virtual community conversation on the issue via Zoom on Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 5 pm.
The APAHC gathered enough signatures to hold the referendum, which the City Clerk will scheduled in late February or March. Under state law, the City Council must first consider the proposed ordinance. If the council does not pass it by early January, the ordinance will go to a public vote.

“Fifty years ago, the need for rent control was seen as a necessity of equal rights. Now with the worldwide epidemic shuttering businesses and slashing jobs, the security of renters is ever more threatened,” said Felicia Simmons, founding member of the Coalition, in a statement issued by the group. “It’s time we put a mechanism in place that prevents the current community from being pushed out.”
The following is the full statement issued by APAHC about the virtual community meeting:
Greetings from the The Asbury Park Affordable Housing Coalition,
The Asbury Park Affordable Housing Coalition Invites the community to a conversation about our Rent Stabilization Ordinance, Wed the 16th at 5pm on zoom! This ordinance is 50 years in the making!
The Asbury Park Affordable Housing coalition wants to tell you about our Rent Stabilization ordinance and have an open community conversation about moving forward with the ordinance. All are invited in this democratic process.
“Fifty years ago, the need for rent control was seen as a necessity of equal rights. Now with the worldwide epidemic shuttering businesses and slashing jobs, the security of renters is ever more threatened,” said Felicia Simmons, founding member of the Coalition. “It’s time we put a mechanism in place that prevents the current community from being pushed out.”
The key components of the ordinance are:
· The creation of a rent stabilization board appointed by the Mayor comprised of 4 tenants and 3 property owners
· The appointment of a rent stabilization officer
· No vacancy decontrol
· A cap on rent increases to no more than 4%
· Limited increases on capital improvements
· An affordable rental market will actually support local economic development
· The City is primarily comprised of 85% renters, with only 15 percent of households owner-occupied
· Residents of Asbury Park spend over 50% more than the national average on housing expenditures
· The typical Asbury Park household spends more than 37% of its income on rent
· Rent stabilization has been adopted in several New Jersey jurisdictions
Where: On Zoom, see below.
When: Wednesday the 16th at 5pm.
Link to find referendum
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We hope to have a just, honorable, respectful, kind and honest conversation with all who participate.
The Asbury Park Affordable Housing Coalition
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