Allenhurst approves beach replenishment
Borough now needs easements from beachfront property owners
Allenhurst can now be included in the state’s beach replenishment plan, thanks to a resolution passed at the April 23 commissioners’ meeting.
Allenhurst, Deal and Loch Arbour were not considered as part of the state’s initial plan for beach replenishment, Commissioner Chris McLoughlin said, but passage of this resolution enables Allenhurst and Loch Arbour to join the plan.
“They consider Allenhurst and Loch Arbour as part of the same bucket, and we’ve been told they’d like to do us when they do Asbury Park,” McLoughlin said.
The town approved a resolution to grant easements to the contractors picked by the Army Corps of Engineers, and need to speak to the town’s four residents who own beachfront property about getting easements from them too, Mayor David McLaughlin said.
“Unless those four homeowners agree, they won’t do any of Allenhurst and Loch Arbour,” Mayor McLaughlin said.
Residents at the council meeting voiced concerns about how effective beach replenishment would be. Mayor McLaughlin said that although this resolution starts the process, the town isn’t locked in to beach replenishment yet.
“If something comes along that we don’t like, or we hear information that we don’t like, we can pull the resolution and stop it.” Mayor McLaughlin said.
The beach replenishment involves restoring the beach to pre-Sandy conditions, borough administrator Lori Osborn said. The jetties in Allenhurst and Loch Arbour will not be notched, and outfall pipes for the Beach Club’s pool will not be changed.
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