Editor, the Asbury Park Sun,
Preserving and protecting oceans, beaches, public lands, boardwalks, and natural environments is critical to the quality of air we breathe, water we drink, and the food we eat. They have tangible economic and social benefits. They bring to users health benefits associated with outdoor recreation, increased community cohesion through shared experiences, clean water and air, flood control, and storm buffering. Our natural and public resources are the anchor for the economic survival of our tourism economy.
The Asbury Together team of Moor, Quinn, Woener, Kendle and Clayton understand the above and the need to build community and an independent economy through environmental and economic sustainability. They will save Asbury Park from greed, social injustices and self-interests because they are committed to achieving this and bringing Asbury Together. I support them fully and unconditionally. Please vote for them Nov. 4.
— Joyce Grant
Asbury Park
[This letter represents the opinion of its writer and is not representative of any opinion of the Asbury Park Sun staff. All readers are welcome to submit Letters to the Editor to news@asburyparksun.com for our consideration. For guidelines on letter-writing and submission, click here.]
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