Letter: Dog Beach Protocol
Newman: In Asbury Park We Have Such A Commitment To Animals
Editor, Asbury Park Sun,
It is time to wake up the true spirit and the rock and roll grit that is the true Asbury Park and rally against the Lieutenant Brannigan’s that march all over us each and every year. And, you can ask any local, they get ruder and ruder when it comes to how they address us locals at the dog beach and I can attest that there is no call or reason for it, we are a polite group.
[Wednesday] at 4:15 p.m. was a perfect example, an officer came around on his buggy saying that we had to get off the beach and of course we all said politely that it’s not Memorial Day yet. [Being it has always been Memorial Day when the rules change for the season.] The officer said in a really rude and loud way, “Read the sign it obviously says the 15th.” As I was walking back I ran into other neighbors who had a similar experience with the officer and we all discussed how they have gotten really rude all last year.
Here are a few things to consider; [And, why we should really have this area all of the time.]
As far as groups go we are extremely responsible and not only pick up after our pets but we also pick up after tourists.
It is a small area of beach that is not even for families, it is for surfers, and the surfers don’t mind the dogs.
We pay a fortune in taxes and so do the summer people who bring their dogs each and every summer.
The summer people from Deal bring their dogs and they end up spending money in Asbury Park.
We always hear from the tourist that they love coming to the dog beach even though they don’t have dogs with them because it is such a great atmosphere.
Here in Asbury Park, we have such a commitment to animals, if we are having a good time you can probably bet we are raising money for the four-legged. We are many let’s make our voices heard.
Kara Newman
Seventh Avenue
[This letter represents the opinion of its writer and is not representative of any opinion of the Asbury Park Sun staff. All readers are welcome to submit Letters to the Editor to news@asburyparksun.com for our consideration. For guidelines on letter-writing and submission, click here.]
[Photo courtesy of Mark McDonald]
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