Macklin: TCN commentary on rent control amendments commended
"Endorsement of the Consumer Price Index is correct and deeply significant"
To the Editor, Asbury Park Sun:
Although I frequently find issue with some of the triCityNews policy recommendations on political issues in our City of Asbury Park, I commend its recent article on the City’s progress in finding the most fair Rent Control Ordinance. (TriCityNews, December 16 issue.) My comments are also based in part examination of a dozen fairly recent research reports on Rent Control , several in New Jersey .
I hope TriCity’s piece is considered by the Council in their revisions of the Ordinance.
The paper’s endorsement of the Consumer Price Index is correct and deeply significant. The Index (CPI) is the most reliable information available and widely used everywhere regarding changes in costs goods and services in the US. Reliability is a neutral and accurate anchor for other controls incorporated in the Ordinance. It should not be scrapped!
Again the paper is correct when it reminds us that the Primary Ordinance purpose is protecting the economically struggling tenant. However, we Rent Control Advocates believe that purpose requires us to compromise somewhat closer to protecting the interests of those tenants than we now do in this current Ordinance. Therefore we argue also that there must be a cap of 3.5 % on CPI increases .
The paper is correct when it argues against a guaranteed minimum increase for landlords in addition to providing for them through the CPI. Why do we add that protection?
Of course we should add more rental dwellings to the policy. If we fashion a decent policy why should some tenants not be included? Also as the paper suggests let the federal government address inflation, if results are unsatisfactory then we must act both in the interests of landlords and tenants. Although not mentioned in the piece, other aspects of City power to consider in providing proper shelter and reducing displacement are zoning, code enforcement, and most importantly, Affordable Housing.
Bill Mackolin, Asbury Park
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