Stevens: One Asbury is ‘united but no one person is dominating the others’
Urges voters to elect all five
Editor, the Asbury Park Sun:
I recently attended the debate moderated by the League of Women Voters held in the VFW in Asbury Park and recorded by Asbury Park TV. No one could say they did not get a chance to speak and we the voters the chance to assess them all.
For me, it was a delight to see One Asbury clearly demonstrate that they are a team. My greatest fear is the results on May 14 will offer us a splintered council — then let the fights begin and paralysis set in. Are we not tired of seeing this in Washington — for too long now. And aren’t we all paying the price for that? We must not let that happen in Asbury.
Amy Quinn, Myra Campbell, Joe Woerner, John Moor and Talesha Crank are people who have been in the market place, have diverse ideas, listen to each other, and come to consensus. That was clearly demonstrated in the debate. They are united but no one person is dominating the others. They are not coming with the answers but they have a plan to listen to all of us and work to come up with a solution together.
This gives me energy and new life. Just the possibility that competent and giving people from the community like the One Asbury team, and as Amy said, not politicians, are willing to lead us forward. They have my vote and I hope yours too.
— Bill Stevens, Asbury Park
[This letter represents the opinion of its writer and is not representative of any opinion of the Asbury Park Sun staff. All readers are welcome to submit Letters to the Editor to for our consideration. For guidelines on letter-writing and submission, click here.]
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