The Sun’s city council preview — Aug. 1, 2012
Reconsideration of dog park, financial corrective action plan on agenda
Asbury Park’s city council will meet tonight in council chambers, with a closed executive session starting at 5 p.m.; a workshop session at 6 p.m. and a regular meeting at 7 p.m. Items on the agenda include:
• A final vote and public hearing on repealing the ban on beach attire at the boardwalk.
• Reconsideration of a dog park, presented by city attorney Frederick Raffetto. After the proposal for a dog run in Library Square Park was the subject of much controversy, Councilwoman Sue Henderson recently said she plans to rescind the resolution authorizing the dog park pilot program.
• A final vote and public hearing on changes to the way the city handles recreation fees and waiving costs of programs.
• A presentation on the city’s corrective action plan by chief financial officer Juan Uribe. Uribe is required to create the plan after an auditor made recommendations for the city to tighten its finances.
• Several discussions in closed executive session, including acquisition of properties, the Asbury Park memorial plaque program and a contract for a city revaluation.
To see tonight’s agenda, click here.