The Sun’s City Council preview — Dec. 5, 2012
Infrastructure reparations, board appointments on agenda
Asbury Park’s city council will meet tonight in council chambers, with a closed executive session starting at 5 p.m.; a workshop session at 6 p.m. and a regular meeting at 7 p.m. Items on the agenda include:
• A presentation of a waterfront infrastructure finance agreement for making repairs in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. So far, the city has estimated that damage totals $12 million. The Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] gave the city over $1 million for cleanup.
• Discussion of the replacement of damaged pay stations.
• Discussion of a budget for the charter study commission, which held its first organizational meeting on Monday night. The commission is tasked with scrutinizing the city’s current form of government and possibly recommending changes. State statute allows them a budget for operating expenses, including stationary, a secretary and more.
• Discussion of the cable television advisory committee.
• Appointments to the zoning board and the cable television advisory committee.
• In closed executive session at 5 p.m., the city will discuss the infrastructure financial agreement with iStar; acquisition of a property likely to be used as a parking lot on Bangs Avenue; and some litigation.
A copy of the agenda can be seen here.