The Sun’s City Council Preview – FEB. 25, 2015
Votes on Lakehouse expansion, building fees and committees
The Asbury Park City Council is scheduled to meet Wednesday in council chambers at City Hall. A closed executive session will start at 4:30 p.m., followed by a workshop session at 6:30 p.m. and a regular council meeting at 7 p.m.
Public participation takes place at the beginning of the regular meeting. Items on the agenda include:
• Executive session discussions regarding the city manager and city clerk search updates, police department staffing issues, contract negotiations, and the pending 2014 election litigation.
• During the regular session the City Council will vote on the purchase of three municipal vehicles and two ambulances as well as participation in the 2014 Safer Grant program that would fund fire department new hires for two years but require a third year funding commitment out of the local budget.
• Individual resolutions up for consideration include establishing the Sunset Avenue Bridge, Parking, and Code Enforcement/Quality of Life advisory committees.
• The Council will vote on moving forward with the Central Business District Redevelopment amendment that would allow The Lake House to expand into the neighboring property. If approved, a public hearing will be held during a subsequent regular session meeting.
• A public hearing will be held on the revision of building and construction fees as well as the change in street sweeper title.
Click here to view the full agendas with supplemental materials.
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