Affordable Housing Coalition seeks backing for rent control ordinance
Public hearing on the measure will be held by city council tonight, Dec. 22
The Asbury Park Affordable Housing Coalition [APAHC] issued a news release today calling for residents to support the coalition’s proposed rent control ordinance.
A virtual public hearing via Zoom before the City Council is scheduled for tonight, Dec. 22, at 6 pm. APAHC’s news release, printed in full below, includes call in information.
If the City Council does not pass the measure by the end of December, a public vote will be held on the ordinance, unless the sponsors of a petition triggering the referendum choose to withdraw it by early January. The council also has the option of rejecting the proposal or taking no action. Under an Executive Order signed by Gov. Murphy, that referendum will now be held in April. Originally, the city clerk was to schedule it for late February or March.
A coalition of landlords, the Asbury Park Property Owners Coalition [APPOC], opposes the proposal and has sought to sit down with tenant advocates to work out a compromise. In a developing story, the APPOC today issued a statement outlining their own proposed rent control ordinance.
The following is the complete text of the APAHC news release:
APAHC Urges Support for Asbury Park Rent Control
Hearing Scheduled for Tuesday, December 22nd at 6pm
The Asbury Park Affordable Housing Coalition (APAHC) is urging residents to voice support for a Rent Stabilization Ordinance at a hearing scheduled for Tuesday, December 22nd at 6pm.
Following the lead of over 100 municipalities throughout the State of New Jersey, the legislation addresses the rising cost of rents in the city, which is becoming unaffordable for many residents.
The Mayor and Council have the option to adopt the ordinance on Tuesday evening. If the Council does not to adopt the ordinance, it will appear on the ballot at a special election. Over 700 residents signed the petition for rent stabilization.
- An affordable rental market will actually support local economic development
- The City is primarily comprised of 85% renters, with only 15 percent of households owner-occupied
- Residents of Asbury Park spend over 50% more than the national average on housing expenditures
The key components of the ordinance are:
- A cap on rent increases to no more than 4%
- Rent can’t be increased until a unit passes inspection
- Allows for deductions on a portion of rent until the unit is up to code
- No vacancy decontrol
- The creation of a rent stabilization board
- The appointment of a rent stabilization officer
The public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, December 22nd at 6pm via Zoom:
To Join the Zoom Meeting
Dial: +1 929 205 6099
+1 312 626 6799
+1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 979 3480 5441
Optional: View Presentation Slides
Dial *9 to ‘Raise Hand’ to speak
(*6 is only used to unmute)
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