Clayton: Vote no on rent control referendum
City Councilwoman says city's existing rent control ordinance is more balanced approach
To the Editor, Asbury Park Sun:
As an individual who has both benefited from stabilized rent and depended on rental income as part of my income, I consider myself in a position to see both sides of the rent regulation issue.
The Rent Leveling Ordinances passed by the City Council is a balanced approach, and can easily be amended as we gain information and experience — unlike the petitioners’ ordinance which would require another referendum each time.
I believe the petitioners ordinance will create the unintentional consequence of fewer rental units, as condo conversions and short term rentals replace existing long term rentals. My other concern is for the Mom snd Pop landlord with less than 5 units, who are frequently residents trying to create income for their families. The petitioners ordinances does not differentiate, and these owners will be responsible for onerous amounts of paperwork, and treated as if they have staff.
Please consider carefully and vote NO on April 20th.
Councilwoman Yvonne Clayton
Asbury Park
[This letter represents the opinion of its writer and is not representative of any opinion of the Asbury Park Sun staff. All readers are welcome to submit Letters to the Editor to for our consideration. For guidelines on letter-writing and submission, click here.]
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