Homeless count kicks off 9 a.m. in Asbury Park
Volunteers join Monmouth County to offer social services
The 2016 New Jersey Homeless Counts will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Jersey Shore Rescue Mission on Memorial Drive.
Volunteers and advocates will join Monmouth County employees in helping homeless and at risk residents obtain social services help and gather data to gauge current homeless population figures.
Those who participate will be asked to provide information and will be offered food, clothing and assistance, including free health screenings and employment services.
Formerly known as Project Homeless Connect, the event coincides with the national Point in time Survey by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD].
The 2015 counts found 10,211 homeless men, women and children across the state, according to a Monarch Housing Associates report. The nonprofit coordinates the state-wide effort to offer information and services available via County Department of Human Services, Health Departments and not-for-profit organizations.
Last year’s Monmouth County counts found a total of 290 households, comprised of 456 people, were homeless. A total of 85 households, with 99 people, were identified as chronically homeless, and 36 unsheltered homeless persons were counted.
The survey aims capture an accurate snapshot of the homeless in America. Participants will be asked where they spent the night of Jan. 26 and other pertinent questions to quantify the level of homelessness.
The NJ Counts meet HUD requirements that each county must complete a tally every two years.
On Wednesday, tallies also will be held in the following municipalities:
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Agape Christian Center, 133 Throckmorton St, Freehold
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Mark’s Soup Kitchen, 247 Carr Ave., Keansburg
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pilgrim Baptist Church, 172 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank
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