Siegel: Support council’s rent control, oppose referendum
"The Committee that got rent control on the ballot is made up of extremists"
To the Editor, Asbury Park Sun,
The Referendum on rent control creates an enormous threat to Asbury Park’s tax base and its housing quality. The Committee that got rent control on the ballot is made up of extremists who created the most draconian and unworkable rent control ordinance in the State’s history without regard to its effect on homeowners, businesses or renters who are not covered by rent control.
After considerable debate, analysis and public input, the City Council rejected the Referendum Ordinance and instead adopted its own rent control law that protects tenants while balancing the interests of the rest of the community.
We urge you to vote NO on the Referendum because this referendum will raise taxes for all other property owners, it will increase the municipal budget and create enormous administrative burdens on the City and will crush single family property owners. It will harm the recovery of downtown and It will discourage businesses from coming to Asbury Park. Tourism dollars would decline and our local businesses would struggle.
The Referendum goes so far as to create a Rent Leveling board with unequal representation comprised of a majority of tenants and zero homeowners.
Worst of all – it cannot be changed for three years. No matter how terrible the flaw – our Elected Officials would be powerless to change it.
Vote NO because Asbury Park already has a Rent Control Law on the books that works.
The City’s ordinance has equal representation on the Rent Leveling Board.
It can be changed at any time. If there’s a problem, it can be fixed on the spot.
A yes vote on the referendum will push Asbury backwards, not forwards.
If the Referendum passes – it will replace the City’s existing rent control law.
We then get three years of irreversible damage as we emerge from this terrible pandemic.
We will not survive that.
Support your City Council, Vote NO on April 20th.
Peter Siegel (property owner, business owner & Asbury Park resident)
[This letter represents the opinion of its writer and is not representative of any opinion of the Asbury Park Sun staff. All readers are welcome to submit Letters to the Editor to for our consideration. For guidelines on letter-writing and submission, click here.]
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