Tarantino: Voting for full ticket not a good idea
'I urge the voters to research each candidate and select the ones that you feel will best serve the city'
Editor, the Asbury Park Sun:
I have lived and voted in Asbury Park since 2004 and find this year’s city council election process of running “tickets” the worst atrocity ever.
The candidates are asking us to vote for all of the candidates on their tickets. This is not an unusual process but this year is like a circus. I urge the voters to research each candidate and select the ones that you feel will best serve the city. Please don’t simply vote the entire ticket because you favor one or two of the candidates.
Keep in mind the US Senate and Congress who vote party line and use their vote tactically to position their party for future elections. I don’t want a council that simply votes along with their running mates. That would compromise the best interest of the city.
The pooling of resources and forming groups all but eliminate any independent who may choose to run. I have been following this election closely and will vote for the candidates who I feel are smart enough and savvy enough to move this city forward. To simply pull the lever and vote an entire ticket in would be irresponsible.
— Patrick Tarantino, Asbury Park
[This letter represents the opinion of its writer and is not representative of any opinion of the Asbury Park Sun staff. All readers are welcome to submit Letters to the Editor to news@asburyparksun.com for our consideration. For guidelines on letter-writing and submission, click here.]
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