Team ‘Mounds Abound’ says thanks
Asbury residents raise $1,165 for Avon Foundation's Walk for Breast Cancer
Editor, the Asbury Park Sun,
On Saturday, March 15, 2014, Barbara Lesinski and I [Team Mounds Abound] had a fundraiser for the Avon Foundation’s Walk for Breast Cancer at the Wonder Bar. Several businesses donated and friends and local residents came to show their support.
We raised $1,165 from Saturday night’s event.
We’d like to thank the following businesses for donating products and gift certificates towards our gift auction: The Coaster Newspaper, Asbury Park Roastery, Chop Chop Bang Bang, Hot Sands, Fish, DJ’s Delight, Bank on Mattison, Bond Street Bar, McLoone’s, Runner’s High in Freehold, Pollak Theatre at Monmouth University, and The Stone Pony/Wonder Bar.
This is Barbara’s second year raising funds for the Avon Foundation and my fourth year. Between May 31st and June 1st, we will walk 39.3 miles to support breast cancer research. This is the second year that the Wonder Bar has hosted our major fundraising event. Without the support of Debbie DeLisa, Caroline O’Toole, and local businesses, this fundraiser would not have been possible.
Please support our local businesses.
— Corey Lowell, Asbury Park
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