The Sun’s City Council Preview
City Manager appointment & Commerce Department elimination on agenda
The Asbury Park City Council is scheduled to meet Wednesday in council chambers at City Hall.
A closed executive session will start at 4:30 p.m., followed by a public workshop session at 6:30 p.m. and the regular council meeting at 7 p.m.
Public participation takes place at the beginning of the regular meeting. Items on the agenda include:
• Executive session discussions include the Directors of Communications and Public Works positions as well as the possibility of outsourcing parts of the code Enforcement Department.
• The City Council will consider contract negotiations for a transfer of part of Overlook Park to the neighboring Lake Group, agreements with Carter Sackman for the Savoy Theater and parking garage, a Monmouth County Shared Dispatch service agreement, Interfaith Neighbors’ Turf Club Residential Project and 1276 Washington Avenue sale.
• The governing body will also discuss potential litigation re the Director of Commerce position as well as the Famularo Disciplinary proceeding.
• Consent votes for routine governmental matters include a House of Independents catering permit; a Bond Street Bar and Grill liquor license extension for a Nov. 7 event; participation in the Department of Defense’s Federal Surplus Property Program; and acknowledgements that the Turf Club, 147 Borden Ave., 922 Mattison, and 1274 Washington Ave. projects address an existing housing need.
• The City Council will also vote on the City Manager appointment; the purchase of 28 Police Department computers; to authorize the Finance Departments negotiations for vehicle maintenance repair agreements; creation of recreational program fees; an amendment to the Central Business District Redevelopment Plan; and the Wesley Lake Commission’s charter agreement.
• Ordinance introductions include pet and liquor license fee increases and the elimination of the Department of Commerce.
• A hearing to allow the public to make comments and ask questions before final ordinance votes include the appropriation of $75,000 to fund the municipality’s Master Plan preparation; appropriation of $3.9 million for road and sewer improvements covered by existing bonds and grants; and vacating the Lake Court right-of-way and Sewall Avenue alley.
Click here to view the full agenda with supplemental materials.
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