The Sun’s city council preview — April 3, 2013
Skate park plans, Bond Street Bar improvements on agenda
The city council is scheduled to meet tonight, with a workshop session beginning at 6 p.m. and the regular meeting beginning at 7 p.m. The council will meet in closed session at 5 p.m. prior to the public meeting.
Public participation takes place at the beginning of the regular meeting. Items on the agenda for both the workshop and regular meeting include:
• A presentation on the possibility of building a skate park on the city’s West Side. Plans are in preliminary stages and members of the public have been encouraged to attend the meeting and comment on the plan.
• A vote on a resolution of support for the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association in its application for FEMA funding to repair its boardwalk, which was damaged by Hurricane Sandy. The council failed to pass the resolution at its March 20 meeting, but a majority of council members now say they are in favor of it. The resolution requires three yes-votes to pass.
• A public hearing and vote on an ordinance that would amend the central business district [CBD] plan for changes to the Bond Street Bar at 208 Bond St.
• A public hearing and vote on an ordinance that would amend code enforcement fees.
• A vote on appointments to the city’s housing authority.