The Sun’s city council preview — Feb. 20, 2013
Boardwalk repairs, final infrastructure finance hearing on agenda
Asbury Park’s city council is scheduled to meet in council chambers tonight, with a closed executive session starting at 5 p.m.; a workshop session at 6 p.m.; and a regular meeting at 7 p.m. Items on the agenda include:
• Contract awards for various boardwalk repair materials, as well as the first phase of south boardwalk reconstruction during the 7 p.m. workshop session. Council will vote on the contracts during the 8 p.m. regular council meeting.
• A presentation on the city’s infrastructure financing agreement with Asbury Partners for the waterfront redevelopment area, during the 7 p.m. workshop session.
• A public hearing on the agreement proposed to fund infrastructure repairs in the waterfront redevelopment area during the 8 p.m. meeting, followed by a final council vote on the plan.
• During the 5 p.m. closed session, litigation as well as contract negotiations on waterfront area surface parking lots; professional service agreements; and health benefits.